Inspirational London Ambulance Service leader named as one of most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health
An HR expert from London Ambulance Service has been named as one of the most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders in healthcare, in the latest analysis from the Health Service Journal (HSJ).

Shohail Shaikh is the Head of Organisational Development and Talent Management for the UK’s busiest ambulance service, creating strategies and initiatives that promote staff engagement, making sure people have the right skills and tools for the job and cultivating a positive work environment. Aside from the busy day job, Shohail is dedicated to the cause of equality and inclusion, previously serving a term as Co-Chair of the National NHS Muslim Network.
Speaking about the HSJ accolade, Shohail said: “I am really humbled and grateful to be named as one of the most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders in healthcare. But, this isn’t just about me – it goes to show how well supported I’ve been during my career and reflects the team work that it takes to power London Ambulance Service. I hope to help and mentor others in the same way as we continue to break down the barriers that exist within our society.”
Shohail is proud to lead by example in creating a workforce that is representative of the diverse city it cares for. He said: “I care about people, and would always aim to show others that they can be their true self – whatever their line of work. I’m proud to be a leader in healthcare from an ethnic minority, and have never been ashamed to celebrate my faith and cultural heritage at work – while I think it’s important to be flexible, I’ve never hidden parts of my identity ‘to fit in’ and I don’t believe anyone should have to. I aim to be a role-model ambassador, and fundamentally believe that we cannot end discrimination for just one group of people – to achieve equality for all, we have got to challenge all forms of discrimination, whether that’s about faith, race, gender or sexuality.”
Damian McGuinness, Chief People Officer at London Ambulance Service, said: “I am proud Shohail is part of our People and Culture Team – and I am truly happy to see his hard work and commitment being honoured in this way. I offer my congratulations to him for this milestone accomplishment.”
Shohail very proud of the work he has undertaken throughout his career, adding: “London Ambulance Service is in the business of saving lives, and I feel really privileged to play a supporting role in that.”
You can read more about the 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders here.
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