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Mental Health Awareness Week – ambulance staff share their stories

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May 2020), the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) with the support of UK ambulance services – including London Ambulance Service – has released a video of ambulance staff discussing their experiences with their mental health.

The film – produced before the coronavirus pandemic and before social distancing – involves members of staff from ambulance services across the country: Izzy, Amanda, Ricky and London Ambulance Service call handler Scott, speaking honestly and openly about their experiences.

Scott, an Emergency Call Handler from the London Ambulance Service control room team, discusses living with bipolar disorder, his experiences working in our Service with the condition and the support he has received from managers and colleagues. has been blocked due to your cookie preferences, you can change those by clicking on the cookie button on any page.

This year the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is kindness. Now, more than ever, with the effects of the coronavirus on us all, a simple act of kindness – such as a conversation – could really help a person who is struggling with their mental health.

There are mental health resources for ambulance service employees, families and volunteers from the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives here.

Check out the NHS Every Mind Matters resources here.

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