From the spotlight to blue lights – ‘Saltburn’ star joins ambulance crew for night shift
Film star Rosamund Pike joined London Ambulance Service (LAS) paramedics on a busy night shift to prepare for her new film role.

The acclaimed actor is playing a former paramedic alongside fellow Brit Matthew Rhys in Hallow Road, a psychological thriller which is expected to be released later this year.
Rosamund spent an evening on an ambulance observing paramedics Erica Greene and Tom Hazelwood as they responded to sick and injured patients.
Erica said: “It was a pleasure and a privilege to have Rosamund join us for a shift. She was very interested in our roles and said she found it insightful to spend time with us on the ambulance.
“She really wanted to understand more about what it’s like working as a paramedic so she could bring her character to life and get all the details right – that’s just one of the reasons why she’s such a good actress!”
Rosamund – who starred in Saltburn, the must-see film over Christmas – was also given LAS London Lifesavers training, learning how to give chest compressions and use a defibrillator.
She made a video recording for LAS, urging all Londoners to learn those life-saving skills and sign up to be a London Lifesaver.
In the video, Rosamund says: “I’ve just been taught how to save a life with London Ambulance Service.
“It takes only a few minutes to learn these skills and give you the confidence to use them when it matters most.”
The actor goes on to explain that most cardiac arrests happen in the home so people who learn how to give chest compressions could end up saving a loved one.
She ends the video saying: “Please follow me and sign up to be a London Lifesaver.”

Paramedic Sam Palfreyman-Jones, who leads the London Lifesavers programme and trained the star, said: “Rosamund took the training very seriously – this wasn’t just research for a role, she wanted to learn how to save a life.
“She sang Nellie the Elephant to ensure she got the correct timing of her chest compressions – this is a great technique – and I’m really impressed she knew all the verses!”
The producer and writer of Hallow Road also turned to London Ambulance Service for clinical guidance on some of the film’s most dramatic scenes.
LAS Chief Paramedic Pauline Cranmer said: “The writer and producer of the film were both very keen to ensure a particular scene was accurate and authentic so asked advice on how a paramedic would respond – both clinically and as a parent.
Like Rosamund Pike and thousands of others, you can learn how to sign up to become a London Lifesaver on our website or at an upcoming free training event.
London Lifesavers is funded through a grant provided by NHS Charities Together to our charity, London Ambulance Charity. If you would like to donate to our dedicated charity, please head to our Just Giving page or visit our dedicated campaign webpage for more information.
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